In fact, this is a very interesting question, which leads to a bigger question, that is, why China was so advanced in the early days, but European countries occupied a dominant position in technology and politics in the 19th century?
I found that the most persuasive theory (put forward in guns, bacteria, steel and the rise and fall of great powers) is that China has fairly standardized and solid control over its surrounding areas, such as the detention system, land conversion, etc., and no competitor can pose a serious challenge to it.
Lack of competition brings the danger of stagnation. Without threats, the weapons already possessed were sufficient to meet their needs, and the feudal dynasty had no incentive to continue to develop more advanced weapons. In that era, a conservative emperor could prevent technological innovation and exploration for decades.
In contrast, Europe has been continuously fragmented for a thousand years, mainly because of its geographical form and location. Every country has its neighbors, and no country is invincible. Therefore, the kings and feudal lords of Europe must constantly consider how to conquer their neighbors or defend against such attacks.
Of course, many European leaders are short-sighted, too conservative, or stupid, and indulge in pleasure. The difference is that these leaders often don't last long. A more ambitious and innovative neighbor will take all your land and open up the territory, which has led to a series of very bloody wars, but also brought impressive technological progress.
An example given by Jared Diamond is the development history of guns in Japan. In the 16th century, the Japanese first came into contact with muskets brought by Portuguese businessmen. In a short time, Japanese blacksmiths disassembled them, found out its working principle, and began to experiment to make better weapons.
Jared Diamond 给出的一个例子就是日本枪支的发展历史。16世纪,日本人第一次接触到葡萄牙商人带来的火枪。短时间内,日本的铁匠们就把它们拆解开来,找出了它的工作原理,并开始试验制造出更好的武器。
However, the shogunate general was worried that the spread of these new weapons would endanger his rule, so he took strict measures to deliberately stifle gun research. In Europe, this is undoubtedly self grave. But unlike European countries, Japan, as an independent island country, has no external threats and can suppress this development. However, if they continue to study, Admiral Perry's fleet is likely to rush into Tokyo Bay, only to find a group of soldiers with more advanced guns waiting.
The two major needs that prompted Europeans to develop cannons and guns are:
1. Castles and strong walls;
2. Heavy armor knights and armed personnel, general cold weapons can not effectively fight.
But for China, these are not big problems, and they will not seek solutions for them.
In addition, people must realize that China's scale is unfavorable in innovation. Just like in Europe, people may rack their brains to build solid castles, and then the enemy will consider building better cannons to attack the city. For the Chinese army, they will choose to surround the city and wait for them to run out of ammunition and food and surrender. From the Republic of Rome to the Napoleonic era, the size of the population they could mobilize for war was unimaginable in the eyes of the West.
Therefore, for Europe, technological progress is often the only option, while for the East, this is only one of many options.
Second, the main enemies of ancient Chinese dynasties only dared to fight on a small scale, often in very remote areas, far away from the logistics line of the Central Plains Dynasty. Whether it is the grassland in Mongolia or the deep mountain canyon in the southwest, this is not an ideal environment for trying new technologies. In this case, reliability and adaptability are more important. The various problems it needs to deal with also make more advanced technology less useful.
We can compare the military technology from World War II to the cold war with today. We can reasonably say that the development in the past 20 years or so is far from the progress of the 1930s to 1980s. UAVs are really cool, and new infantry load-bearing robots are also very useful. But in the final analysis, if the United States wants to conduct a comprehensive conventional war against a relatively comparable enemy, these so-called advanced equipment will not reverse the war situation.
Of course, the problem is that there is no opponent who can fight conventional war with it. Military technology has indeed developed to a certain extent. It has created some interesting things in its own way, but it does not really promote the boundaries of technology, and it is not very practical in large-scale long-term conventional war.
Many of the most important advances in gunpowder weapons were first developed by private inventors for civilian purposes and later adopted by the military. China obviously does not have a civilian market to promote the development of guns.
? the emergence of flint led to the development of metal cartridges and all modern guns, which was invented by a priest who was a fanatical bird Hunter;
? 燧石的出现导致了金属弹药筒和所有现代枪支的发展,它由一位牧师发明,这位牧师是一位狂热的猎鸟者;
? metal bullets were first developed by a private inventor and first sold to civilians;
? revolvers were first sold to civilians;
? the first repeater rifle was sold to civilians;
? the first rifles were developed for hunting rather than war.
In Europe, hunting is a popular activity among wealthy people, who are eager to buy the latest inventions to meet their preferences. From ornate crossbows to rifles with wheel locks to assault rifles with hats, these people are rich and eager to buy the latest inventions. In most cases, the military only takes advantage of inventions and innovations in the civilian market.
The army operates under the constraints of budget and military regulations, while individuals who are addicted to hobbies do not. Until a technology is perfected, it is usually useless to the army. The military is usually reluctant to use this weapon until this technology is proved to be reliable. Hunters who are keen to buy the latest firearms innovation are not subject to these restrictions, which is the historical reason why the civilian market promotes gunpowder technology.
It seems that there are no fanatical hunters in China who will spend money on the latest inventions to indulge their enthusiasm. People in China do not see the kind of ornate crossbows or guns you see in Europe. If rich Chinese like hunting, they seem to prefer to use traditional weapons rather than spend money on the latest inventions to pursue their interests. Therefore, in China, there are not as many citizens as in Europe to promote the innovation of gunpowder technology.
The development of guns not only proves that Britain defeated the Chinese in the Opium War, but also tells us how easily Britain defeated China. China's backwardness in a wide range of technologies is a major factor in its failure. From 1500 to the next 400 years, Europe almost made significant weapons progress, while China made little significant contribution to the progress of gunpowder technology after 1400 years.
Why did the Chinese discover gunpowder earlier than the Europeans?
One reason why China discovered gunpowder but Europe did not is that Europe has almost no natural source of the basic ingredients of saltpeter. It took China several centuries to produce something that instantly turned into an explosion.
When did European guns surpass China's? Why are guns in Europe better than those in China?
Around the 16th century, Europeans worked harder to make better guns because they solved the problem they faced: dealing with armored knights and assembling infantry.
For the artillery, they want to destroy all solid castles. In the hundred year war, the French destroyed the English castles with cannons and drove the British out of France.
In contrast, the Chinese were threatened by grassland cavalry, which were flexible and did not face the threat of strong fortifications or dense infantry (during the period of 1200-1500).
The early small arms were too slow to launch, too short range to effectively fight cavalry, and the infantry had huge firepower. Similarly, the artillery was not mobile enough to threaten enemies such as the Mongols. Dr. chase believes that countries like Japan have not been able to develop such powerful weapons because they are not threatened by the Mongols (or similar nomads).
早期的小武器发射速度太慢,射程太短,无法有效对抗骑兵,并且步兵火力巨大,同样,火炮的机动性不足,无法威胁到诸如蒙古人之类的敌人。 蔡斯博士认为,像日本这样的国家也没能开发如此强大的武器,因为他们没有面临蒙古人(或类似的游牧民族)的威胁。
Have Europeans conquered more land than the Chinese?
This is doubtful. There is a view put forward by some people (mainly Chinese!) The author believes that China is not a country bent on conquering the Empire, although the Qing Dynasty controlled East Asia and administered a large number of affiliated countries. As Professor Jeremy Black said, "the two most powerful empires in the 18th century are Britain and China.这一点是存疑的。有一种观点是由一些人提出的(主要是中国人!)作者认为,中国不是一个一心想着征服帝国的国家,尽管清朝控制了东亚地区,管理者大量附属国。正如杰里米·布莱克(Jeremy Black)教授所说,“十八世纪最有实力的两个帝国是英国和中国。”
European powers held their ground in South America, where diseases killed the local population. They often spent a long time occupying trade posts and cooperating with local authorities. Compared with Asian empires such as the Qing Dynasty, the Ottoman Empire and the Mughal Empire, they can only be regarded as small states with a small population. Note that the Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire and Persian Safavid Dynasty were all "gunpowder empires".
Why should Europeans develop global influence? What does guns have to do with this?
Europeans have mastered a series of key technologies and capabilities:
? strong ships capable of carrying powerful artillery;
? powerful artillery on these vessels;
? the ability of cross ocean navigation;
? design strong fortifications so that they can seize small strongholds and confront more local regimes.
These capabilities enabled them to blast the opposition out of the water - as the Portuguese did in East Africa, the coast of West India, and the Spice Islands. Of course, relying on the huge fleet, the Spanish and Portuguese at this time were able to cross the Atlantic and rule the Americas, while the Nordic people only got some bits and pieces. At the beginning of the 15th century, after the treasure ship of the Ming Dynasty, the Chinese withdrew from the world navigation market.
About 1700 years later, western scientific and technological progress began in an unprecedented way in history. Whether it was guns, geology, ships, bridges, medicine, evolutionary biology or anything else, they gradually gained an impeccable advantage (such as 1850), until other countries followed suit.